Agendas & Minutes

Agenda: March 24, 2021

Individuals wishing accessibility accommodations at this meeting, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), may request such accommodations to aid hearing, visual, or mobility impairment by contacting ICTC offices at (760) 592-4494. Please note that 48 hours advance notice will be necessary to honor your request.

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Meeting ID: 913 8673 3797
Passcode: 702792



 Discussion/Action of emergency items, if necessary.


In compliance with the Governor’s Order N-29-20, the meeting will be held telephonically and electronically. If members of the public wish to review the attachments or have any questions on any agenda item, please contact Cristi Lerma at 760-592-4494 or via email at Agenda and minutes are also available at:  If any member of the public wishes to address the Authority, please submit written comments by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Comments should not exceed three minutes on any item of interest not on the agenda within the jurisdiction of the Authority. The Authority will listen to all communication, but in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda.


 Approval of LTA Board Draft Minutes January 27, 2021


 LTA Executive Director Report


Imperial County Local Transportation Authority - Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds (Limited Tax Bonds), Series 2020 A, B, C, D & E

The ICTC Management Committee will meet on March 24, 2021 and it is anticipated that they will forward this item to the LTA for review and approval after receipt of public comment, if any:

Adoption of the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Imperial County Local Transportation Authority Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds in One or More Series

Approval of the following documents:

    1. Supplemental Indentures
    2. A Purchase Contract
    3. A Continuing Disclosure Agreement
    4. Pledge Agreements
    5. An Escrow Agreement
    6. A Preliminary Limited Official Statement

Authorizing Official Actions and Executions of Documents Related Thereto


Adoption of the Imperial County Local Transportation Authority Annual Financial Audit for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020

The ICTC Management Committee will meet on March 24, 2021 and it is anticipated that they will forward this item to the LTA for review and approval after receipt of public comment, if any:

  1. Receive, Approve and File the FY 2019-20 Imperial County Local Transportation Authority Annual Financial Audit for the following agencies: Brawley, Calexico, Calipatria, El Centro, Holtville, Imperial, Westmorland, the County of Imperial and the ICLTA.
  2. Agency shall submit audit documentation to the Authority auditor no later than October 31st (or another date specified by ICLTA or its auditor). If audit documentation is not received in a timely manner, the Authority shall withhold funding until the agency complies.


Motion to Adjourn.

